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Your cellphone and you
What do you do with your cellphone? And before you answer that, I can’t help thinking about the latest Cingular commercial where one of the nerdy cell phone representatives phone is set on vibrate, and he looks up with this sheepish grin. Let’s keep this above board, if possible, ok?
After reading this little ditty about ten creative ways to use your cellphone, I began to wonder what all of you might do with your cell in addition to talking.
I have a Palm Treo 650, and it’s kind of a “super phone.” I love it, but am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the iPhone. Until then, however, here’s what I currently do with my phone:
- Appointments galore – it syncs seamlessly with my iCal and hopefully helps me
missmake the meetings I want to.- Contacts – aaah. Nothing like having 535 contacts at my beck and call.
- Photos – an immense help for that quick shot. I also try to take as many unflattering shots of my friends as possible and then set them to show up when they call. Good for a quick pick-me-up.
- Solitaire – at least a couple of games every night right before falling asleep, and usually when I’m on the, uh, nevermind.
- Alarm – I use my cell exclusively for my alarm clock. With Treo Alarm, I can check the weather and have multiple alarms set for times throughout the week.
- Memos – I find I use this the most when I’m at a bookstore and see a book I want but don’t want to pay $20 for when I know I can get it for much cheaper at Amazon.
- Tasks – I’ve never been good at a to-do list. I’m more of a consciousness-stream guy; however, I do occasionally use the task function.
- Texting – who doesn’t.
- Updating my Twitter, when I want to. (Please, no crude comments here.)
- Ringtones
So… What do you use your cell for?
does calling people count?
I like to update my ‘twitter’ when I want to, also!
TJ… No.
Jim… Sigh. 😉
I beat uncooperative housekeepers into submission when they wear my jeans without permission… go naomi campbell you don’t have to take that stuff from anyone…….sorry drifted off again.
So I use my cell phone as my alarm too. I have it set to the opening of the Lion King (and it still scares me when it goes off)
I also use my phone as a paper wheit while in class.
But I think that the most fun that I have with my cell phone is texting people I know are someplace important (class, church, mettings, etc.) just to make sure that they put their phone on silent. and what makes it fun is when it is that one time they forgot to).
I dont text-I don’t get the point,why dont people just call the person rather than writing them a letter via cell phone…LOL
Oh and I dont get the point of twitter either…but hope the baby shower went well!!!(I use my cell for all the same reasons as you except for 1.Twitter-see above 2.Texting-see above 3.Pictures-I am the last person in the free world to not have a camera phone. +1.I call people…LOL)