We are all interrupters

What classifies some texts/emails as "interruptions" while others are welcome distractions?

There are some texts or emails I receive from people that feel like an interruption rather than a communication. When I receive one of these missives, they feel more like missiles, intended to disrupt. They interrupt my thoughts, and I find myself thinking… ugh.

I’m more apt to postpone a response to these than others. I am not sure what exactly defines them as interruptions. They tend to make me defensive or cranky.

Here’s an example from that came out of the blue the other day:

Good morning, earliest availability ?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with the text. However, I receive enough of these kinds of texts from the same source that I read it like this:

Good morning, EARLIEST AVAILABILITY ??!!!!!

I think, “They don’t really want to know if I’m having a good morning. They’re just using a pleasantry in order to get my attention and get on my schedule ASAP. (I have a lot of one on one meetings with people.)

I feel like he’s trying to muscle his way past others. It’s a text that feels like he’s “cutting in line.”

Why do I think/feel that? What classifies some texts/emails as “interruptions” while others are welcome distractions? 

As I was mulling these thoughts over, it dawned on me… “I wonder who feels that way about my texts/emails?!” Heavens to Betsy, surely no one views my initiative to meet/communicate as an interruption?? I had never thought about it before, and that’s when it hit me…

We are all interrupters.

I have been quick to judge and view someone’s communication with me as an “interruption,” but I never thought about how someone might receive one of my communiques. I have always assumed that everyone is always delighted to hear from me. No one ever feels a negative emotion from one of my communiques.

Sigh. Yeah right.

I’m an interrupter too.

Resolved: When I feel like I’m being interrupted, as soon as I become aware of my own internal resistance, I will pivot and see the perceived interruption as an opportunity.

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August 20, 2022 8:19 pm

Very good point, and one to think on for sure. How do my texts, emails come across to others? Am I communicating in a way that others feel loved, cared for, thought about, prayed for? Am I asking how they are doing or just listing my problems, complaints, trials? HMMMMMMM. You got me thinking – that’s for sure. Thank you.


[…] We are all interrupters. (August 20) What classifies some texts/emails as “interruptions” while others are welcome distractions? […]

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