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Moving toward knowledge: surgery
It's the night before surgery and all through the house... not a creature is stirring, not even a... well, our high school senior is downstairs playing the guitar at midnight... A quick text message silenced that. Anyway, here's a late-night update on Carolyn's next health step.
It’s the night before surgery and all through the house… not a creature is stirring, not even a… well, our high school senior is downstairs playing the guitar at midnight… A quick text message silenced that.
I wanted to post a quick update for those of you who have been following the health saga. Carolyn is schedule for surgery tomorrow morning at 6:45 here in Blacksburg. We are not anxious, and instead, we’ve been supplied with surpassing peace in the midst of this chapter.
The surgery is just the last step (we hope) to discovering what is going on with a cluster of Carolyn’s lymph nodes – one in particular. It’s our moving toward knowledge step. The surgeon believes he will be able to remove it laparoscopically, so we are praying for that and for it not to be an invasive surgery.
We are exceptionally grateful on this surgery’s eve. Thank you for your prayers and expressions of love and kindness!