Experiencing intercession

At the outset of this, I need to say that if you have voiced any sort of prayer on our behalf during Carolyn’s health trials, we are deeply grateful. I’d also like to request your continued intercession. It is only through the strength of prayers that we’ve been upheld and sustained in recent weeks.

However, we want to celebrate with you some significant news that Carolyn received from the doctor’s office on Christmas Eve. The needle biopsies that were taken on Monday all came back negative! There was no sign of lymphoma or Hodgkins. We were relieved and astonished.

This entire ordeal that began in early November has been based on some assumptions that the activity the PET scan showed would most likely come back positive. Of course, we didn’t anticipate encountering breast cancer, but we also didn’t expect to be receiving good news at this stage.

Carolyn’s doc still may suggest surgery to remove one of the nodes in her groin area to be 100% confident with the needle biopsies. However, at this point, we are counting this as Christ’s gracious work through His people.

We ask that you continue to pray. Her next surgery to remove more tissue in the breast is January 2.

We are supremely grateful for how Christ has revealed Himself through our intercessors.

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December 28, 2008 8:37 am

Our prayers is with your family always. You two are living examples of how great God can be when you follow him.

December 28, 2008 10:09 am

I still am amazed! God is so wonderful… he knows how to show up in such big ways. I cannot wait for the 100% ‘no cancer here’ news after the surgery. I know you guys still have quite the road ahead of you with the breast cancer.. but I hope this gives you a little peace and joy in the midst of this time.

Uncle Danny and FOnda
Uncle Danny and FOnda
December 29, 2008 11:55 am

We have been praying for Carolyn and are so grateful for the recent good news. We have been praying for all of you. God is so good and able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could ever ask or even think!
I so enjoed gettin to know Carolyn when she was at Rosell’s and look forward to meeting you too.
God Bless,

December 29, 2008 6:00 pm

Im so glad to hear that!! We will continue to pray for you guys.

Lindsay Conrady
Lindsay Conrady
December 30, 2008 12:12 am

That is straight-up FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! I would love to say that I knew all along that you would get good news….truth is, I’m also wonderfully shocked! How’s that for faith? Hug Carolyn and squeal real loud and high right in her ear for me, OK?

Marylee Noble
Marylee Noble
December 30, 2008 12:23 am

I hope all of you have been able to have a great time in NM with less concern than before.


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