Default mode is stupid

Something happens when we fall asleep. All the good lessons we’ve learned. All the healthy perspective we’ve gained after a full day of living. That all seems to have been erased overnight.

When I go to bed, I default to stupid.

It’s true. And I’m not alone. Welcome to the overnight stupid zone.

This realization has been proved by years of waking up and realizing that I need to re-mind myself of some things that apparently my brain has forgotten overnight. It’s a daily, necessary activity in order for me to face the world and be a giver and not a taker.

Something happens when we fall asleep. All the good lessons we’ve learned. All the healthy perspective we’ve gained after a full day of living. That all seems to have been erased overnight. It seems like our brain’s OS has been wiped. We boot up to stupid. We require a fresh install of the OS.

Here’s my proof…

If I don’t do a fresh install in the morning, I head out into my day, and oftentimes, I’ll discover I’m frustrated by something that I got frustrated by six months ago… or six years ago. Even though I discovered then that God is faithful, and that His presence and provision were sufficient and enough, on this day, I seem to have forgotten. I’m bamboozled, grumpy, persnickety and just.. freshly frustrated.

My brain is broken.

I defaulted to stupid. I forgot the faithfulness, love, assurances and promises of God. How could I do that? Argh. It’s not like He hasn’t proven Himself over and over and over again to me!

Scripture offers a promising reset for me and us all:

“Because of the LORD’s faithful love we do not perish, for his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!” [1]Lamentations 3:22-23

While we may default to stupid, God is ready each and every day that we wake until we wake no more with… boundless mercies. When I wake, one of my first “tasks” of my day is to spend time with God through prayer and Bible reading. As I do so, I am renewed in confidence, hope and my operating system is reset. He gives me a fresh install.

Jesus taught us to pray for our “daily bread.” [2]Matthew 6:11 It was a nod back to how God provided manna for the Israelites in the wildnerness each and every day. There was just enough for that day. In order to be nourished, they would need to collect the newly-provided manna each day.

We were designed to default to stupid. We were designed to begin our days acknowledging our emptiness and seeking Him for fullness. And He graciously offers mercy in abundance when we come to Him!

Before you default to stupid tonight…

You shouldn’t be afraid of having your OS wiped tonight. There’s a fresh install ready for you tomorrow! Rather, you should approach your pillow with thankful pondering.

In Sleepy Reflections on Star Trek and Sovereignty, I wrote:

“[I can] …collapse into bed at night reflecting in tired gratitude on God’s goodness to me. He is sovereign. He knows. He loves. I am grateful that He designed me to need sleep. There is a certain scalp-tingling amazement that dawns when you can “close the book” on a day. No matter the intensity, the disappointments, discouragements, fights, bad news or personal attacks, the gift of sleep renders all issues moot. It’s like we can unplug. For that, I am beyond grateful.

The new morning brings with it new mercies from God. How profound it is that one of scriptures most cherished verses is given to us in a book full of lament… Sleep is a gift that reminds us that while we’re not in control, God is, and He can be trusted not only with our unconscious selves and vulnerable sleeping bodies, but He can be trusted with our days, our moments, and our problems, both perceived and piercing.

Sleep isn’t something to dread but to welcome. As you drift off in gratitude, you’ll be able to wake with expectancy. You will wake, and your brain will have a little red dot on it, with a “1” in it, letting you know there’s an update waiting from your Creator. Make sure to update your life by spending time with Him.

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1 Lamentations 3:22-23
2 Matthew 6:11
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Jamie H
Jamie H
March 31, 2023 10:33 am

Oh, this is so good and something we all must remember. Sleep is a gift from God to nourish and refresh us, to reset our minds and bodies and souls during the night. Like you, I must wake up and immediately start praying and reading scripture and saying to myself, “The Lords mercies are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness O Lord.” Also at night one of my favorite verses to pray not only for myself but for brothers and sisters is Psalm 4:8, “I will both lie down in peace and sleep for You alone O Lord make… Read more »

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