Category Spiritual Markers

My Philosophy of Ministry

I have found that the working out of my salvation and my perceptions of theology to be most beneficial and enlightening. I am both challenged and enouraged by the task that is before me as I seek to be obedient…

I’m on Your Side

It struck me that in the midst of presidential debates and wrangling about words, that our nation is in the process of choosing sides in these days. However, the amazing thing about a true follower of Christ is that he becomes a proponent of people, period. In other words, I'm on your side.

The Work Behind the Word

In today’s society, we hate wait. Gimme a remote or a shorter line at Wal-Mart. But don’t make me wait. I believe our lives as Christ-followers are radically atrophied by this mindset of the moment, this need for now. God’s…

A Sheep’s Tale

I stood. The colors leapt off the shelves in front of me. With my head cocked sideways, my eyes hungrily devoured the vertical titles, one after another. I needed another book like I needed a black eye. Yet, they beckoned.…

Approval Addiction

I originally wrote this intended to be an interactive Bible study for use in a small group… Hope it’s useful for you in some way… Take a look at any magazine targeting young adults today. Take a look at the…

Can we say “Others?”

Sunday I taught from Philippians 2.13-14. One of the things that has continued to be evident from the study of Philippians that I’ve been doing is simply the concept of OTHERS. You can’t read the New Testament (or even the…

Lunching at Popeyes

I get together with a group of college-age guys each week to encourage them and challenge them in their spiritual growth. Most of the time, we pick a book to read through and dialogue about. Right now, it’s John Piper’s…