Category Parchment Reviews

Book Review: “Defending the Declaration” by Gary Amos

Could the Declaration of Independence have been written without the influence of the Bible and Christianity? This excellent book provides a compelling and stunningly relevant argument (it was published in 1989) as to why our national malaise and embarrassment over our founding can be traced to a terrible misreading of the Declaration and an attempt to divorce it from Christianity's profound influence.

What are you too old for?

At some point along the way, we lose our capacity for wonder. C.S. Lewis reveals his knowledge of that in an often-overlooked paragraph of his "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." In the book's dedication to his goddaughter, Lucy, we learn a lesson that has the potential of nurturing our souls.

Top Books I Read in 2021

Another year and another annual book post. The genres of books I read last year were definitely varied. Politics and social justice issues were an investment. Books on faith and intimacy with Jesus are to be expected. I enjoyed a few new fiction series as well! Here's the best of what I read...

Top Books I Read in 2019

I ended up reading 43 books in 2019. That surprised me. Reading is deeply enjoyable for me, and as you'll see from this year's list, it involved spirituality, nonfiction, and fiction as brain candy. Let me know what you read last year that you think I'd enjoy, and also if something I recommend makes it onto your 2020 list.

Book Review: “The Rest of God” by Mark Buchanan

This book is intended to either restore or bequeath sabbath to you. It will show you that you are designed to enjoy the Sabbath and that God made a day of rest on purpose - for us. It's not a day to relished as a "day off." Rather, when you recover Sabbath in your life, you will find yourself re-learning how to enjoy and revel in Him.