Category Campfire Talk

Thanks, Jim…

Just wanted to say thanks to Jim Parker in a public way for his kind thoughts about some things I said in a blog entry earlier. If you haven’t met Jim, toodle on over to his blog at

Second Annual Yard Fire…

Some people have annual yard sales… we have yard fires. Or so Carolyn tells me. Actually, it’s been a few years since my last major yard fire. That was back in my PB days (pre-blog). Thank goodness. But suffice it…

Where oh Where is Widebody?

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. After 50 days of consecutive posts, a recent illness and a new job, seem to have tipped the scales for Matt Parker. He has disappeared from the blogosphere… ya’ll write him and encourage him…

Tolkien by the Lake

Upon a rock he reclined there Steady blowing, growing colder was the air Restful, wistful, reading in autumn rays Water lapping, leaves falling, all a form of holy praise. A Tolkien book, a small-town pastor Under heaven’s canopy enjoyed his…

Absolutely loving life…

I’ve been on a personal retreat the last several days and therefore have been “blogless.” I’ve missed keeping updated on several folks while I’ve been gone.. Matt, Justin, Kenny, and another blog I’ve been following: I’ve also gotten hooked…

Numa Numa…

I know everyone else has seen this on the web… but if YOU haven’t… well, get ready to laugh… The sad thing is… I can see any number of my friends doing this.. Go here…

Vidcast/Vodcast… Holy Cow…

I was listening to the Podcast from Macfixit’s site on the way to Little Rock this morning, and was awed by the technology that is in our hands TODAY but that not many folks have jumped on just yet… With…

Mac Plaxo is here!!!!

I’ve been a Plaxo user for a while now, but always seem to screw it up since there’s not a great way to sync between Plaxo and Mac Address Book or iCal. Plaxo has been promising Mac compatibility for a…