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2008 Roundup
At the beginning of 2008, I never dreamed…
- I would walk the streets of Krakow, Poland.
- See Auschwitz.
- Baptize Taylor James.
- Preach in a Polish Baptist church.
- Get published in a book for childrens charity.
- Attend the Arkansas Baptist State Convention voluntarily.
- I’d own a flat screen TV.
- Carolyn would be diagnosed with breast cancer.
- My family would receive sooo much love and prayer support.
- Journey would gain so many new families and friends.
- Journey would also lose a few more folks.
- I’d reconnect with Tim Smith at Exponential in Orlando.
- Olympics in China!?
- Attend another Passion event in Dallas with Carolyn – and have to stay in the hotel with the flu.
- Help develop an informal church planters network in Arkansas
- See Sam go to his first week-long kids camp – by himself
- Teach a seminar on using the internet for godly influence at Glorieta, NM
- Watch Adelyn place first in just about every race she swam in.
- See the UAM BCM building begin construction!
- Attend the last worship service for the BCM in their old building (built in 1954).
- Meet Ed Stetzer.
- Become a Twaddict.
- Get beat in the first round of the fantasy football playoffs.
- Shop unsuccessfully for a Kia Rondo.
- Get a moped stolen from me and have money provided to purchase a new one.
- Fall more in love with my wife than ever.
- Resurrect the old joke about seeing the fortune teller (don’t ask; you have to present to fall for it.)
- See gas go over $4 and under $1.50 in one year. That’s retarded.
- Be prayed for consistently and dramatically and intensely by so many folks from all over the world. (That’s a blog post forthcoming in and of itself.)
- Witness “The Catch” in Superbowl 2008.
- Have some strong aversion to words like bailout, change, and pork.
- See such radical change in national leadership and history made at the same time.
- Live in our house without power for five days due to a hurricane
- Watch Carolyn get her own iPhone and become one of those users she used to lash out at.
- Witness a near-worship service on one of the last shows of American Idol ’08.
- Get to play in foot-deep snow in the middle of March in Arkansas!
- Find a new home for Fancy the chihuahua, get a new dog… have a cat run over… and get a kitten for Christmas… whew. Pet Replacement Year.
- Learn so much about Christ, life and intimacy with God through hardship.
- Preach in Newark, Arkansas.
- See dozens of college students coming to our church.
- Marry one of my former students… (I was the officiating pastor… I’m not from Texas…)
- Admit that PCs are better than Macs… then I woke up in a cold sweat. What a nightmare.
What did you see happen that surprised you? Blog about it and leave a comment and a link!
Love the last comment on your 2008 events. I got worried there for a minute. This is why you read the whole line and not skip through it. I will be working on a post like this one.
This is an awesome list! I especially liked the last one… Did I tell you I got a new, super sweet MacBook for Christmas?
Also, when I started reading this list, I was half-expecting you to say “See Lindy get married.” 😉 I know that’s one I didn’t expect! 🙂
@Lindy: I went back and added your wedding! Thanks for reminding me! Of course that’s something we never expected… 😉